Sunday 6 April 2014

Why you should go for Non-invasive nose reshaping?

The procedure of reshaping nose using dermal fillers has become one of the most requested non-surgical cosmetic procedures in recent years. You do not have to check into a hospital for getting your nose reshaped for getting non-invasive nose job. Nor do you have to wait for weeks to see the result of your nose job. Best of all, you do not have to spend a whole lot of money for getting the perfect nose.

The time factor is among the most important factors why should you consider non-surgical rhinoplasty? Moreover, the most obvious is the lack of heck-and-slash surgery. This is a tremendous advantage because any invasive surgical procedure, no matter how safe, has risks attached to it. Even if all goes well, the risk of infection is still there.

Invasive surgery also means a stay at the hospital. This requires you to take time out of your regular schedule and check in a hospital. The recovery after the operation also takes a while. It is usually a week before you are allowed to leave and another week or two before you can resume your regular life. And do not forget the expenses of hospital stay, surgeon’s fees and whatnot!
In contrast, non surgical rhinoplasty has all the benefits of a surgical procedure and none of the negative points mentioned above.

The procedure begins with a consultation with a doctor specializing in cosmetic medicine. This first step is also the most important one in the entire chain. If you selected the right doctor, you are in good hands and the procedure will go right as rain. Always research your doctor.
Next the doctor suggests the dermal filler, its quantity and points of injection. A good doctor will guide you properly and explain everything in detail. Do not hesitate during this session. Your doctor will welcome every question and address all your concerns.

The actual procedure lasts for about an hour. This involves the ENTIRE procedure from preparation to final moments of leaving the clinic. The doctor usually uses longer lasting dermal filler like Teosyal or Radiesse. Since you are conscious throughout the procedure, you can guide the doctor about the way you would like your nose to look after the procedure.
Once the doctor is finished, you could leave the clinic without a break in your regular schedule. There are follow-up visits but in most of the cases, doctors just make very minor changes to the shape of your nose.
Go treat yourself and book a consultation NOW!

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