Thursday, 27 March 2014

Tattoos, wrinkles and sagging skin be gone part 2

As promised here’s part 2 of the article elucidating the new possibilities laser technology has made available for us:


Ultrasound is a technology that has been around for a while now but this new innovative use of it for melting fats is something of a novelty. Using high intensity focused ultrasound energy to eradicate or melt targeted fat without damaging the surrounding skin has won FDA’s approval.
Ultrasound use to melt fats has been found very viable for treating areas like the abdomen, thighs and other areas where stubborn fat deposits are likely to take root.  The success rate of this procedure is 1 inch of fat melted per session although the results are not evident on the onset requiring two to three months to become noticeable.

Using ultrasound for fat removal is a noninvasive alternative to traditional liposuction which is widely used to surgically remove pockets of fats. However liposuction due to its invasive nature requires the patient to undergo substantial recuperation and downtime. The popularity of noninvasive fat reduction technique can be primarily attributed to no down time required fact hence it has gained wide acceptance. People opting for these procedures can go about their normal routines very shortly after the procedure.

Newest Laser an answer for hard to remove tattoos

The novelty of a tattoo wearing off can turn it from art to nothing more than a skin blemish. For people who want to have a tattoo removed laser therapy is the viable option. While laser therapy was engineered to remove tattoos, the process of removing the stubborn tattoo ink leaves a lot to be desired. Previously, nanosecond (Q-switched YAG) would break down tattoo pigmentation like a boulder being smashed into tiny pieces and then laser would totally obliterate these tiny pieces. Nanosecond lasers weren’t that effective against resistant colors though like blue and green. The latest modifications in laser address this situation and can easily get rid of these colors.

Introducing Picosecond Laser which is FDA approved and uses very short pulse durations to break down tattoo pigmentation. Picosecond laser refines the process of tattoo pigmentation breakdown by reducing it to miniscule dust particles instead of tiny pieces. These dust particles are then absorbed through the skin and disposed of naturally.

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